
Embark on this journey to understand your whole self, to develop and grow, and become authentically you, while discovering boosts in energy, creativity, and maturity in your perception of both yourself and others. Own your shadow.

Introduction to Tarot Series

The Tarot is a divination system rooted in allegory, archetype, and symbolism. We can use the images of the cards to provide direction and insight. Heather and Amber will walk you through the listed subjects on the following dates.

Upcoming dates to be announced….

Shadow Work

Join me for online exploration into the Shadow of the Self. What is the Shadow? How might we step into this important inner relationship with this aspect of the Self? How can we use this work in the midst of crisis to our advantage? We will discuss how relating to this part of the Self is core to our healing of wounds, stepping out of self-sabotage, and reclaiming our Wholeness.

Upcoming dates to be announced…