Friend Byron Ballard introduced us to Caitlin Matthew’s article about Omen Days, treating the twelve days following Christmas as ‘days out of time’ where people payed attention to nature and surroundings for clues of what is to happen in the coming year. Each of the twelve days represents a month. Today is December 30, 2020 and this divination is for April   2021.

Yesterday was a low energy day after two nights of odd dreams processing old situations, and old associates that are no longer in my life, so I am playing a bit of catch-up today. Such is the way of the full moon in Cancer. One might be more inclined toward feeling deeper raw emotions, giving an opportunity to clear and cleanse. I was watching others attempt to escape situations that were causing them distress. I can only assume that they feel like many feel; stuck by current circumstances.

I have chosen one of my favorite decks to work with tonight, the Housewives Tarot: A Domestic Divination Kit created by Paul Kepple and Jude Buffum. It depicts 1950’s iconography, and I find it to be whimsical and amusing, a departure from the heavy energies experienced during the winter. I also feel the images help us to lower ego control and allow the more fluid playful parts of the self to be active in a reading. It tends to lend itself toward accuracy, so hoping this is the case for the coming spring. 

The 4 of Swords is making a reappearance as our mental energy for April. This is a happy thing. It shows good boundaries, resolve, and willingness to just be in the moment. Our choices are around readiness instead of impulsiveness. It shows that there is clarity as we take our next steps. Whatever that means for you, enjoy it. Like our lady in this card, we can have all of our accoutrements at hand. Do not confuse her moment of self-care, as self-indulgence. Her “swords” are at hand, as much as her lipstick. Do not underestimate your own capacity for decisive action. You too can take your bubble bath and kick ass.  

Our emotional energy is showing up as the Emperor. I am asking that you put aside everything you know or believe about the Emperor in order to acknowledge his image. He is made of canned goods, his “Taro” torso a can of vegetable shortening. Life is teaching us to conserve, be resourceful, and to have everything we need in the event we have to lockdown. This card tells me that people are feeling empowered in their preparedness. Everything they need within and without is there. Even the can of shortening… fuel, binder, brings texture to food, and in a pinch, a fabulous moisturizer… remember that there is so so much inside of us to make it through the difficult days while assisting others in the process. His stance is not authoritarian. It is open, generous, his face smiling and his eyes almost playful. We can be the father figure we need to be for ourselves and for others. 

The action we need to take shows as the 7 of Wands. My experience with this card is that we are to stand in our courage, and hold our ground, however, you see how the “wands” in this deck are toothbrushes. So, yes, speak with courage. Speak your truth, yet be sure to speak clearly. The mouth to toilet connection is unavoidable in this card. Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to speak with integrity. Pay attention to detail. Now is not the time to speak flippantly, from places of assumption and judgment. Do your homework. Treat others with compassion and empathy. Learn the power of “I” statements so you are taking ownership of your words. Last, but certainly not least, be open to the fact that sometimes we are wrong in our thoughts, beliefs, and feelings. Make sure the hill you are willing to die on is worthy of sacrifice.

The closing message is the Hierophant. Again, I invite you to put aside that image of religious authority this card typically conveys. You see that our “priest” is a radio. In the 50’s this was our source of news and entertainment. It is what brought people together across the miles, much like our current reliance on technology in its various forms. I am seeing us coming together more easily bonded by common values, ethics, beliefs even if it by way of ZOOM or a telephone. It is an adjustment to our current circumstances, yet it reminds us that even when we are apart, we are still together. I would also include that our physical distance may help us to value physical interaction more. May we be more inclined to put aside our phones in favor of the people we have in front of us.

Over all, our spring appears to be a bit more at ease. Much love, May is up next!

In light and shadow,
