One of my Instagram friends, @ecmediamanagement, recently wrote a wonderful post here on collaboration in our businesses. It reminds me of how business-related readings I have done for the past two years speak to two things:
- It is time to own skills and gifts and question what are you passionate about? What brings you joy? Whether this is professionally, privately, or even what you offer as a volunteer, I feel strongly we are being called on to step into work that is authentic and in integrity with who we want to be.
- That our work moving forward will be based on collaboration and cooperative efforts. This can be partnered/collective contexts, or as simple as people coming together to support individual endeavors.
I wanted to see what the cards had to say about where we are with this previous message, and the message has not really changed.

Deck used is La corte dei Tarocchi by Il Meneghello
The reading begins with the 2 of Wands. This is a dominion card. Energy is focused, passion has a goal, and what was raw potential now has a direction. There is a spirit of action and creativity! This is the kind of ownership I am speaking of where we make ideas and dreams manifest.
This card is followed by the 2 of Cups. This is a partnership card. Not only is there passion and action, there is a desire, reflected in the Cups, to reach common goals.
It bears noting that Twos in the tarot indicate partnership, duality, and balance, also reflecting the idea of collaboration.
Our next card is the World. The work we do… how does it serve individual, local, and global context? The World is calling on us to make choices that are well planned, intended, and help us to see and serve the bigger picture. Microcosm/macrocosm. What ripples can we make in our corner of the collective pond that adds to other work being done? Instagram friend, @thecandyspotbathteas, posted an amazing quote from Tesla that reflects this message here.
The Advice of the cards? The 4 of Coins. Find your balance between being frugal and enterprising. Nothing ventured means nothing gained, yet it is time to be resourceful. Investing energy, time, money and talent is important, just spend those things wisely.
The punctuation to this is that we cannot make change alone. It requires teamwork, cooperation, and mutual support to get things done. It takes not only self-care but community care, so we are all taken care of. Work for Self so can work with and for each other.
In light and shadow,