Happy Equinox… Stepping Into Shadow Play

2022-01-04T16:34:03-05:00September 23rd, 2015|

As the balance tips toward the dark of the year, we remember that the God form has sacrificed for us. The body of the grain is destroyed so that we may eat, survive, and flourish through the winter months. I think we focus so much on the grain, and goodness that is gained, we often forget [...]

A Journey Through the Pentacles: The Spirit of Abundance

2022-01-04T16:34:18-05:00November 28th, 2014|

A Journey Through the Pentacles: The Spirit of Abundance The pentacle is our symbol for the element of Earth in the Tarot.  What does this mean for us?  It means our physical reality, stability, occupations, and money.  Using the numbered pentacle cards, one through ten, we can see how the the energy of prosperity ebbs and [...]

The Power to Dare: The Ace of Cups

2022-01-04T16:34:28-05:00November 21st, 2014|

Happy Friday!  Our card of the day is the Ace of Cups and this cup does run over.  Aces of the tarot are that element in it's rawest form, and the Cup is the tarots elemental symbol for water.  Water is all feeling, all compassion, and the depths of our intuition.  Water poses the challenge of acknowledging our full [...]

Introduction to the Tarot at Sacred Grove

2022-01-04T16:34:34-05:00November 18th, 2014|

Introduction to the Tarot With Heather Gaffney-Darnell        Saturday, December 6, 2014 from 1 to 6 PM  ​Sacred Grove Retreat15720 Mattons Grove Church Rd, Gold Hill, NC 28072 I am excited to announce that I am teaching at Sacred Grove Retreat Center in Gold Hill.  It is a bit of a drive, but completely worth it.  This overview is from [...]

Cord cutting

2022-01-04T16:35:05-05:00June 10th, 2014|

I've received some interest in cord cutting so here you go!This method is useful because is doesn’t require ceremony, and it helps to release emotional patterns attached to the situation.Take a blank piece of paper and draw a large infinity symbol in gold or yellow. It needs to be big enough to write in.In the left [...]

Your tarot for 6/9/2014: The Sun

2022-01-04T16:35:17-05:00June 9th, 2014|

Communication, vitality, the energy of being seen, the Sun has come forward with my card drawing today. To follow is a special blog about tapping into this card ritually, and energetically in light of the coming full moon and coming solstice. This card is insistent that it make its introduction tonight!

Keepin this short… a little on grounding

2022-01-04T16:35:37-05:00June 5th, 2014|

I am a big advocate of grounding in energetic and magical practices. Why is it so important to ground and have your energy and center of being anchored in your body? Because your body is home to all sensory experience giving us the ability to touch that which is Divine. The next time you look in [...]

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