Birthright VS Entitlement

2022-01-04T16:35:45-05:00June 5th, 2014|

I think a lot about human quirks in regard to spiritual practice and our ability to manifest especially in the Pagan community.  The pop-psychology/ New Age trend of "thoughts become things" I think holds a piece of truth, yet misses the boat in a very fundamental way. It creates confusion between birthright and entitlement. If you [...]

Your tarot card for 6/2/2014: the Page of Cups

2022-01-04T16:35:53-05:00June 3rd, 2014|

Our tarot card for the week is the Page of Cups. He is the sensitive romantic soul that feels so much (sometimes too much) and is prone to day dreams. He is Water of Earth meaning that his dreams and emotions are embodied.  His capacity to feel intensely makes him powerfully compassionate to the needs of [...]

Death and the Gods: Meditating on the Season of Descent

2022-01-04T16:36:01-05:00October 30th, 2013|

Hello everyone, and welcome to day 7 of the 1st Annual Halloween Blog Hop with The Guidance and Friends - 8 Days of Spooky Goodness hosted by my Sister friend, Jennifer Leigh Scott, the Guidance Goddess!  As we enter the dark half of the year our hemisphere of the world is getting cooler, the days shorter, [...]

Death Becomes Us: Happy New Year

2022-01-04T16:36:10-05:00December 31st, 2010|

What can we say about the Death card? Culture has become so detached from the experience that some deem the whole concept of the end of physical existence as something horrible.  This speaks to attachment; attachment to a way of being, to a way of life, to a person, place or thing. Granted this is a [...]

The Devil and the Tower

2022-01-04T16:36:18-05:00December 1st, 2010|

We have just entered the Dark of the year. The world is in economic and political flux.  Many people are questioning, “Who am I?  What am I doing?  How did I get into this hand basket anyway?"  Most are being tested and retested in the midst of current change and those affected directly by everything from [...]

Tarot as a Divination Tool, My Perspective

2022-01-04T16:36:27-05:00September 19th, 2010|

I was introduced to the cards when I was about 15 years old.  I was struck by the color, symbol and the power of myth.  As my path has progressed I have learned to relate to the cards on an intuitive level allowing each image to open doorways to the subconscious.  While we have been given [...]

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